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Event #46 Omaha Hi-Low Split-8 or Better

Day 1
Buy-in: $2,500
Players: 424
Prize pool: $975200 for the top 45

Who are the faces in the crowd today? Well, Annie Duke, Mike Matusow, Marcel Luske, Thor Hansen, Can Kim Hua, Mickey Appleman, Pat Poels, Matt Glantz, John Juanda, John Racener, Thang Luu, Chau Giang, Mel Judah, Young Phan, Rep Porter, Bryan Devonshire,Scott Clements, Clonie Gowan, Mike Sexton, John Esposito, Paul Darden, Max Pescatori, Gary Do, Perry Friedman, Tony Ma, Josh Arieh, Vanessa Selbst, Matt Graham and Michael Binger for starters.

But they didn't come all at once. Because it was an evening tournament, officials must have been lenient on the players. They were still coming to sit down 3 hours after the start! (At this point the long back to back days are weighing heavily on everyone.) It even took a while to see any bustouts. One we knew of was Clonie Gowan which was kind of funny because she got down to a few chips and was trying to lose them, only to have them survive no matter what she did. Finally, she went all-in and someone beat the crap out of the straight she made, then Gowan was free as a bird. Not too far behind her was Cyndi Violette.

There were 196 players left who will continue on Day 2:
  1. Schlein, Joshua -- 60,700
  2. Luu, Thang -- 56,200
  3. Bohlman, Scott -- 48,300
  4. Im, Eddie -- 47,000
  5. Tunkel, Jeff -- 45,300
  6. Ruiz, Armando -- 44,000
  7. Bowker, Kyle -- 40,300
  8. Hua, Can -- 38,400
  9. Appleman, Mickey -- 37,200

Day 2

Day 2 will take place in the Amazon room and begin at 2:00 PM, well actually 2:15 so a few stragglers can get down the hall to their seats. On the short stack are Barry Greenstein with 3,600 chips, Annie Duke with 3,400, Jeff Madsen with 1,600, Darrell Dicken 4,200, Darus Suharto 4,200 and Billy Argyros having just 4,300 at his side.

Greenstein went on the first hand of the day as he was busted by Paul Parker. Brett Jungblut, Annie Duke, Darus Suharto, Dutch Boyd, Jacobo Fernandez and Justin Smith were not far behind. Player Carol Klien also hit the rail after her opponent managed a A 3 for the low and a 7 straight for the high. Outside of that there has been much controversy and outright arguments at some tables. Earlier a pot was awarded to John Juanda because another player had failed to table his cards. Later at another table the same thing happened, a player failed to table his cards so he was not entitled to split a pot that had gotten sizable. In both cases you could hear the yelling across the room as floor persons, supervisors and others had to be called over to diffuse both situations.

Max Pescatori made an 8 high straight and a better low than Todd Brunson resulting in Brunson heading out for some fresh air. Mike Matusow began the day with 11,200, fell to 3,200 and then lightning struck as he grew his stack to 38,000 in less than 30 minutes! Not so lucky are Mike Wattel, Mike Sexton, Rep Porter, Andreas Krause, Jan Sjavik, Thang Luu, Mel Judah, Shannon Shorr, John Racener, Vanessa Selbst and Mickey Appleman. The day finished with 23 still standing. They will come back on Day 3 to slug it out for the championship and the gold bracelet that champions wear.

Money for the final table players:

  1. $229,192
  2. $141,647
  3. $93,199
  4. $65,094
  5. $48,028
  6. $37,350
  7. $30,562
  8. $26,213
  9. $23,541
There were 23 remaining that will move on to Day 3. Here are the top 9 with chip counts:
  1. Tenner Mark -- 285,000
  2. Patrice Boudet -- 258,000
  3. John Monnette -- 237,000
  4. Fabio Coppola -- 229,000
  5. Hua Can -- 225,000
  6. Keiner Michael -- 214,000
  7. Josh Schlein -- 201,000
  8. Frankie Odell -- 194,000
  9. Derek Raymond -- 177,000

Day 3 -- Final Table

Here is the event summary as given by the WSOP:

The 2009 World Series of Poker $2,500 buy-in Omaha High-Low Split champion is Derek Raymond. Raymond is a graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He earned his degree in finance and business management two years ago. The day after his graduation, Raymond took second in a major online poker tournament. He collected a nice payoff and has been playing poker seriously ever since. Raymond collected $229,129 for first place. He was also awarded his first WSOP gold bracelet.

Derek Raymond came to the final table on Day Three ranked fourth in chips. The heads-up match between Mark Tenner and Derek Raymond was a brutal test of patience and willpower. Both players traded the chip lead back and forth. Just when it appeared Raymond might close out the victory, Tenner scooped a series of pots which catapulted him into the chip lead. But he ran card dead late and Raymond managed to come back from a more than 6 to 1 deficit. Raymond won every pot of consequence in the final 30 minutes of battle and managed to pull off what most observers would consider an upset, given Tenner�s many years playing Omaha High-Low Split. Tenner was gracious in defeat, although visibly disappointed with the outcome. Meanwhile, Raymond ran around the table and hugged his father after winning the most coveted prize in poker. The final table lasted about 11 hours. The event ran so long that all limits (levels) were completed on the official WSOP structure sheet. By the end of the tournament, with 3,180,000 chips in play, the blinds were 50,000-100,000 and limits were 100,000-200,000.

The final hand that won the bracelet for Raymond went like this, Tenner went all-in preflop and was called by Raymond. Tenner had K Q 3 2 and Raymond revealed 3 4 5 10. The board showed a helpful J 7 2 A 4, giving Raymond a straight Ace to 5 for the win.

Derek Raymond

  1. Derek Raymond -- $229,192
  2. Mark Tenner -- $141,647
  3. Scott Bohlman -- $93,199
  4. Fabio Coppola, -- $65,094
  5. Josh Schlein -- $48,028
  6. Sirous Jamshidi -- $37,350
  7. Michael "the Doc" Keiner -- $30,562
  8. Mark Gregorich -- $26,213
  9. Patrick Poels -- $23,541