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Event #21 Seven Card Stud

Buy-in: $1,500
Players: 408
Prize pool: $550,800 for the top 40

Event #21 Seven Card Stud had a good sized field that was packed with top talent and rich people. Players like Eric Baldwin, Amnon Filippi, Nickolas Frangos, Scott Fischman, Gebrehiwet Goitom, Chau Giang, Erich Kollmann, Pat Pezzin, Mel Judah, Sigi Stockinger, Erik Cajelais, Alexander Kostritsyn, Alexander Kravchenko, Annette Obrestad, Richard Ashby, Los Angeles Lakers owner Jerry Buss, Nikolay Evdakov, Michael Binger, Sorel Mizzi, Gavin Smith, Dragan Galic, Marcel Luske, Kirill Gerasimov, Vladimir Schmelev, James Van Alstyne, Sam Grizzle, Jennifer Harman Traniello and Thor Hansen were seen on the floor going to their seats. For their buy-in they will each receive 4,500 chips with the goal of surviving 8 levels of play on Day 1.

At 5:00 PM the dealers began shuffling the cards for the masses. Going out almost as quick as he came in was David Singer after the paired Aces he made were not enough to fend off the two pair made by his opponent (Q's and 10's), sending Singer to the rail. Phil Ivey also busted after his Q Q 7/ 4 A 7 2 was not as good as his opponents set of 8's which came from his 8 5 9/ 8 3 8 6 hand. Coming out from their seats permenantly were Jimmy Fricke, Scott Clements, Annette Obrestad, Lex Veldhuis and even Lakers owner Jerry Buss who was shown no mercy. Come to think of it, neither were the Lakers tonight. Jerry Buss had two pair with his all-in move (A's and 3's), but the better two pair (A's and 6's) belonged to Erik Cajelais which is where the rest of Buss's chips went. Day 1 ended with 117 players remaining to see Day 2.

About 15 minutes into Day 2, Men "The Master" Nguyen busted after he could not muster up something to beat his opponents two pair. Perry Friedman lost his race when the straight he made was overcome by the full house of the other player. When Friedman got up, he took off his monkey hat, signed it and gave it to the player that busted him. (Probably still working on his book.) And it seemed that Ester Rossi is gone from the field after she left for the Ladies' World Championship and didn't come back. Cyndy Violette fell victim to a six card straight flush by the river (2 thru 7 of diamonds). Yea, that's right. Her opponent made two straight flushes on the same hand. All Cyndy could do was get up and leave. Jean Gaspard thought his set of 9's were good for the win, until Pat Pezzin produced a Ace high flush, which sent Gaspard to the cash tables.

All these busts make you wonder, doesn't anyone win chips in these? The answer is yes they do. By the end of Day 2 there were 8 victors who will move on to the final table. They are Christine Pietsch with 194,000 chips, Richard Ashby with 276,000, Pat Pezzen 211,000, Dan Heimiller 241,000, Jon Turner 83,000, Sorel Mizzi 435,000, Darren Shebell 320,000 and Owais Ahmed 78,000. Alexander Kravchenko busted in 9th, but officials decided to end things at 8 players.

The final table began at 3;00 PM in the last round of competition for the bracelet. First to go in 8th was Jon Turner after his set of Queens lost out to the club flush of Owais Ahmed. And in 7th was Pat Pezzin who was involved in a big 5 way hand when he busted due to the set of Jacks made by Sorel Mizzi. But not much later, a set of 2's sent Mizzi to the sidelines in 6th. Next to go was Owais Ahmed in 5th who lost his chips to the straight made by Christine Pietsch. At this point Ashby was going up and down until he busted Dan Hemiller in 4th with a straight (6 thru 10) and vaulted upwards in chips. Then in a pretty incredible hand, Ashby busted Darren Shebell in 3rd with a full house (K's/8's) made by the river.

In the beginning of the heads up, Ashby continued to chip up by taking down the small pots and playing his hands carefully against the only woman still standing. Soon he was taking sizable chunks out of her stack and got Pietsch down to 230,000 when the winning hand took place. When the cards were dealt, Pietsch had K 10/ J 8 10 A/ 2 verses the Q Q/ 3 7 9 7/ J giving Ashby two pair (Q's and 7's) along with the gold bracelet of champions. Christine Pietsch graciously accepted the $86,756 for second place. It was her first WSOP tournament she ever played in.

2010 Bracelet Champion #21 -- Richard Ashby
2010 Bracelet Champion -- Richard Ashby

  1. Richard Ashby -- $140,467
  2. Christine Pietsch -- $86,756
  3. Darren Shebell -- $55,955
  4. Dan Heimiller -- $40,544
  5. Owais Ahmed -- $29,809
  6. Sorel Mizzi -- $22,235
  7. Pat Pezzin -- $16,826
  8. Jon 'PearlJammed' Turner -- $12,916
  9. Alexander Kravchenko -- $10,057