Southern Poker Championship

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Southern Poker Championship
WPT Season 7

Beau Rivage Hotel and Casino
January 16 - 19, 2009

Southern Poker Championship

Day 1

With a $10,000 buy-in the 283 players on Day 1 were given 30,000 chips to start and will play 5 levels today. Each level will last 90 minutes in length. Size of the prize pool grew to $2,662,747 and will go to the top 27 players. Seen at the tables were T.J. Cloutier, Hoyt Corkins, David "The Dragon" Pham, Lee Montegomery, Mike Gracz, Erick Lindgren, Chad Brown, Jimmy Tran, Layne Flack, John Spadavecchia, Men "The Master" Nguyen, Vanessa Rousso, Michael Binger, Barry Greenstein, David Singer, Hevad Khan and Clonie Gowan.

In one hand, Shaun Deeb went all-in with pocket 9's to be called by Curt Kohlberg holding 5c 3c. Believe it or not, Curt by the river got the cards needed for a 6 high straight and sent Shaun to the rail. As the eliminations continued, the railbirds grew in number including names such as Jon Friedberg, Jonathan Little, Erick Lindgren, Kevin Saul, T.J. Cloutier, Mark Seif, Scott Montegomery, Shannon Shorr when his pocket J's were overcome by another player who managed to pair his Ace card, Ted Forrest and Men "The Master" Nguyen.

As for the payout schedule for the final table here it is:

  1. $1,000,000
  2. $501,082
  3. $263,725
  4. $184,607
  5. $134,500
  6. $105,490
Now the Beau Rivage needed 288 to have a $1,000,000 first prize and was 5 players short. Rather than adjusting the money, the casino kicked in the $24,219 to make it happen. Cheers for the Beau Rivage!!! At the end of the day there were 175 left that will move on to Day 2. Here are the top 6 players with chip counts:
  1. Ester Taylor -- 139,475 chips
  2. Jacquelyn Scott -- 138,800 chips
  3. Robert Suer -- 118,275 chips
  4. Hevad Khan -- 117,275 chips
  5. Gary Reed -- 112,475 chips
  6. Bryon Devonshire -- 110,700 chips
Day 2

At noon the 175 players from Day 1 returned for another round of play. Bill Gazes was among the first to bust out of the tournament after his all-in with pocket K's was met by Vanessa Rousso with pocket A's. Bill Edler took the walk to the rail when his two pair were pushed aside by the set made by another player. Barry Greenstein was also eliminated after Hevad Khan turned his pocket J's into a Queen high straight. These three were joined by Hoyt Corkins, Scott Clements, John Cernuto, Donna Blevins, Dan Heimiller, Nick Shulman, Anna Wroblewski, Gavin Smith, Michael Binger, Brandon Cantu, Matt Brady and David Singer. And that is just naming a few big names no longer at the tables.

Action continued until there were 27 players left and these fortunate ones will make the money. They will earn at least $13,186 for their efforts in this tournament. Here are the top 6 with chip counts:
  1. Allen Carter -- 776,000 chips
  2. Tyler Smith -- 695,000 chips
  3. Stewart Yancik -- 619,000 chips
  4. Florian Yangmann -- 603,000 chips
  5. Soheil Shamseddin -- 560,000 chips
  6. Jena Delk -- 508,000 chips
Day 3

These are the final table players. Data on Day 3 was not received.
  1. Soheil Shamseddin -- 3,061,000 chips
  2. Allen Carter -- 1,673,000 chips
  3. Hilbert Shirey -- 1,353,000 chips
  4. Tyler Smith -- 1,271,000 chips
  5. Robert Suer -- 651,000 chips
  6. Chuck Kim -- 486,000 chips
Final Table

The battle for the championship got underway a little after 4:30 pm, with blinds at 15,000/30,000 and 4,000 antes. All the players were cautious, (a little too cautious), with not much action for almost 5 hours passing until the first bust took place. Chuck Kim was the first to go in 6th place after his all-in bid with AK was put to sleep by the two pair (A's and 9's) of Soheil Shamseddin. Another 30 min passed before Tyler Smith went out in 5th when his A K suited lost to the two pair of Allen Carter. By the end of the hand Carter actually turned his pocket Q's into two pair (Q's and 8's) by the river. On the next hand, Hilbert Shirey picked up the check for a 4th place finish after losing to the two pair (A's and 8's) belonging to Bobby Suer. And for 3rd place, Soheil Shamseddin lost to the set of 10's held by Bobby Suer.

Heads up action had Bobby Suer with 3,410,000 chips verses Allen Carter with 5,085,000 chips. Thirty five hands passed before the deciding hand was played. And that hand went as follows. Both players went all-in preflop with Bobby having Ac Kc and Allen showing A 4. Dealer cards were Jc 5c 3s 2d Qd. This gave Allen Carter an Ace high straight and the win for which he received $1,000,000 and a $25,500 seat in the WPT championships to take place in April.
  1. Allen Carter -- $1,000,000
  2. Bobby Suer -- $501,082
  3. Soheil Shamseddin -- $263,725
  4. Hilbert Shirey -- $184,607
  5. Tyler Smith -- $134,500
  6. Chuck Kim -- $105,490

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