2006 World Series of Poker Events 6 to 10

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Main Event Day 1A
Main Event Day 1B
Main Event Day 1C
Main Event Day 1D
Main Event Days
2A (1A + 1B)

Main Event Days
2B (1C + 1D)

Main Event Day 3
Main Event Day 4
Main Event Day 5
Main Event Day 6
Main Event Day 7
Main Event Day 8
Main Event Day 9

Events 1 to 5 | 11 to 15 | 16 to 20 | 21 to 25 | 26 to 30 | 31 to 35 | 36 to 40 | 41 to 45

2006 World Series of Poker
Events 6 to 10

Event #6 July 1 -- No-Limit Hold'Em
Buyin: $2,000.00

1,919 players who entered Event 6 were salivating when they heard the prize pool reached a whopping $3,492,580. The action went pretty fast as the field was pared down to 124 on Day 1. When Day 2 started around 2:00 p.m. there was no let up in the intensity. Some of the top names who left on Day 2 were Humberto Brenes, Johnny Chan, Chris Reslock, Cyndy Violette and Tony Ma. By the time 2:30 a.m. rolled around we had the 9 for the final table.

Mark Vos who finished 8th in the 2006 Aussie Millions No-Limit Hold'em Championship, ended up champion of this event. Mark's winning hand went like this, Mark raised by 90,000 chips before the flop and Nam Le called. Qs 8s 3h is what came after the flop and Nam checks. Mark raises 150,000 and is called by Nam Le. Turn card is 2d and Nam checks. So Mark raises by 250,000 and Nam calls. River card is Qd and Nam checks again. Mark goes all in and Nam Le calls producing pocket 6's and Mark came out with Qc 10c giving him 3 of a kind queens and the bracelet!

  1. Mark Vos -- $803,274
  2. Nam Le -- $401,647
  3. John Reiss Jr -- $209,555
  4. Thomas Hunt III -- $160,659
  5. Willard Chang -- $136,211
  6. Kevin Peterson -- $115,255
  7. Vanessa Selbst -- $101,285
  8. David Wells -- $87,315
  9. Juan Carlos Mortensen -- $73,344

Event #7 July 2 -- Limit Hold'Em
Buyin: $3,000.00

When you have a player who is a PhD in mathematics and game theory enter a tournament, can this understanding help to win a Limit Hold'Em card game event? Bill Chen certainly put his acquired knowledge of math to it's highest and best usage by winning event number 7. He was one of 415 players at the tables this round. Prize money reached $1,145,400. On an additional note, Phil Hellmuth Jr. set a new WSOP record by having the highest number of cashes in WSOP tournaments with 51, breaking his tie with Men "The Master" Nguyen on Day 1. And 80 year old Kuei "Mama" Chang, who is the mother of J.J. Liu also made cash in her 2nd WSOP tournament. (It's the second tournament she's ever played in period.)

Action went fast on Day 1 reducing the number of players to 44 in 13 1/2 hours. But in an interesting change of pace, Day 2 only took about 6 hours and 45 min for the final table players to be determined. The winning hand at the final table started when 7s 4h 3s showed after the flop. Chen bet and it was called by Rich Zhu. Qh comes up on the turn and Chen puts his opponent all in. Zhu calls showing 10h 5d in his hand. Chen has Ah 4d. River card is Qs which gives William Chen two pair and his first ever WSOP bracelet!

  1. William Chen -- $343,618
  2. Yueqi "Rich" Zhu -- $184,409
  3. Henry Nguyen -- $91,632
  4. Karlo Lopez -- $80,178
  5. Danny Ciasamella -- $68,724
  6. Larry Thomas -- $57,270
  7. Allan Puzantyan -- $45,816
  8. Ernie Scherer III -- $34,362
  9. Jeffrey Lisandro -- $22,908
  10. Jason Mann -- $12,599

Event #8 July 3 -- Omaha Hi-Low Split
Buyin: $2,000.00

670 players had their eyes on the $1,219,400 prize pool for the Omaha Hi-Low Split tournament. Money went to the top 55 entrants. Outside of a Royal Flush being reported at a table on Day 1, play remained pretty consistent for days 1 and 2 with eliminations going on until the 9 for the final table were established.

Final table play was accomplished in just 7 hours. Daniel Negreanu had a tough day mucking a number of hands and losing lots of chips to end up leaving in 7th position. And one by one players were eliminated until it was just Jack Zwerner and "Rusty" Mandap to slug it out for the championship. Rusty made a number of all in plays towards the end, but eventually lost to Jack. Here is what happened on the last hand. After both players went all in, the board showed 6h 5c 3h 7h 2d. Rusty held As Ac 10d 3s which could not hold up to Jack's Ah 8d 7c 4h. Congratulations to Jack Zwerner as he picks up his WSOP bracelet and lots of cash for the win!

  1. Jack Zwerner -- $341,426
  2. Florante "Rusty" Mandap -- $176,813
  3. Jeff Madsen -- $97,552
  4. Cuong Do -- $85,358
  5. Bob Mangino -- $73,164
  6. Robert Collins -- $60,970
  7. Daniel Negreanu -- $48,776
  8. Russ Salzer -- $36,582
  9. Steve Lustig-- $24,388

Event #9 July 4 -- No-Limit Hold'Em
Buyin: $5,000.00

With 622 entrants, there were lots of personalities at the tables. Phil Hellmuth Jr. wearing a shirt with "Poker Brat" on the back, Jean-Robert Bellande spouting his "Excellent lay-down boys" when his raises went unchallenged. But with a money pool of $2,293,400, this event is bound to attract a colorful crowd. Payouts went to 64th position. Day 1 lasted 14 hours and saw names eliminated such as David Benyamine, Chris Ferguson, John D'Agostino, Phil Gordon, Juan Carlos Mortensen and Paul Darden. They were part of the 602 players who got busted out that round.

In a big surprise on the second day, Phil Hellmuth Jr. showed up on time ready to play! Players like Chau Giang, Gabriel Thaler, Chad Brown, Rob Hollink, Joe Toth, Jean-Robert Bellande, Dustin Woolf and Dewey Tomko were eliminated as the action got serious with the remaining players vying for the final table seats. The magic number of 9 was reached just before midnight and they would move on to Day 3.

On Day 3, one after another players left for the sidelines at the final table until it was just Phil Hellmuth Jr. and Jeff Cabanillas. The stakes were pretty high for Phil Hellmuth Jr. as he played for his 10th WSOP bracelet. On the last hand, the flop was 6d 4d 3h. Jeff Cabanillas bet 60,000 and Phil responded with an all in move. Jeff called and showed his hand of 5d 3d. Phil quickly produced 5h 4s and the turn card was the 4c. Now that Phil had trips, if anyone could imagine the taste of a gold bracelet in their mouth it was him. Unfortunately the river card was the Jd, giving the flush to Jeff along with the big money and...the bracelet.

  1. Jeff Cabanillas -- $818,546
  2. Phil Hellmuth Jr. -- $423,893
  3. Eugene Todd -- $233,872
  4. Marcel Luske -- $204,638
  5. Isabelle Mercier -- $175,404
  6. Thomas Schreiber -- $146,170
  7. Douglas Carli -- $116,936
  8. "Vinnie" Vinh -- $87,702
  9. Dan Smith -- $58,468

Event #10 July 5 -- Seven Card Stud
Buyin: $1,500.00

David Williams, known as the "man who would be king" for finishing 2nd at the Main Event in 2004, now has his own WSOP bracelet that he received for winning the Seven Card Stud event. The 26-year-old poker pro came out on top of a field of 478 players to end up with the most of a $652,470 prize pool. This was a well earned bracelet when you understand that David Williams is not know as a Seven Card Stud player, and even though he was the chip leader at the final table, he still went up against those who were heavily experienced in the area of winning such as Johnny Chan (10 WSOP bracelets), John Cernuto (3 WSOP bracelets) and Jack Duncan (1 WSOP bracelet). But in the end, Williams with a hand of (6s 4s) Ks 3h 4c Jd (8h) was enough to do the trick against John Hoang's (Ad 8s) 4c 5s 9d 3c (10s). Congratulations to David Williams!

  1. David Williams -- $163,189
  2. John Hoang -- $110,920
  3. Jack Duncan -- $71,772
  4. Michael Ledis -- $45,673
  5. John Cernuto -- $35,886
  6. Ivan Swertzer -- $29,361
  7. Johnny Chan -- $22,836
  8. Matthew Hawrilenko -- $16,312
  9. Mark Dickstein -- $8,482

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