2006 World Series of Poker Main Event Day 5

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2006 World Series of Poker
Main Event Day 5

11:06 p.m. There were 135 players left from yesterday that will sit down at the tables today on Day 5 of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event. Yesterday was scheduled to go down to 300, but for whatever reason they kept going. We haven't been updated by the WSOP but anything that takes place we'll let you know about it. Action will be underway at noon. Here is the list of the remaining player count:
  • Day 1A: 781 players left
  • Day 1B: 856 players left
  • Day 1C: 861 players left
  • Day 1D: 875 players left
  • Day 2A (1A and 1B): 561 players left
  • Day 2B (1C and 1D): 598 players left
  • Day 3: 481 players survived
  • Day 4: 135 players remaining
12:02 p.m. Play is now underway. Action will resume level 20 with 5000/10000 blinds with 1000 ante.

12:45 p.m. We are now at level 21 with blinds at $6,000/$12,000 with a $2,000 ante. 15 min into play David Woo was eliminated at 132nd position. Truth is we are now at 124 players left. The final table may come faster than we think.

1:46 p.m. There are 106 players remaining at the tables. Recent players who are busted would be Casey Kastle, Debra Lalor and Steven Goodemote. Prahlad Friedman busted a player and added to his stack when 4 Jacks gave him a winning hand. Annie Duke go hit pretty hard on a recent hand losing $400,000 which dropped her chips to $250,000. Allen Cunningham is now at 1,000,000 chips, Humberto Brenes and Dmitri Nobles are at 610,000, Paramjit Gill at 203,000, Jamie Gold at 3,900,000 and Weikai Chang is at 1,700,000.

3:25 p.m. Play is at level 22 with blinds at $8,000/$16,000 with a $2,000 ante. 88 players are left in the tournament. Alan Schein went out in 96th position. The chip leader is Jamie Gold with 3,650,000 in his stack followed by Lee Kort with 3,300,000, Michael Binger having 3,065,000, Paul Wasicka with 2,930,000 and Kyle Bowker with 2,220,000 rounding out the top 5. William Thorsson has 1,550,000, Allen Cunningham has 900,000 and Annie Duke has 519,000.

4:56 p.m. We have 81 players at the tables. Players are now on level 23 with blinds at $10,000/$20,000 and a $3,000 ante. Michael Binger is now the chip leader with 3,600,000 in his stack. Siddharth Jain has 1,750,000, Eric Molina has 1,630,000, Dan Schmiech is at 1,600,000, Paramjit Gill has 332,000 and Humberto Brenes has 480,000. Recently sent to the rail would be Annie Duke in 88th place and Thomas Wahlroos in 91st.

5:34 p.m. This is hot! Dmitri Nobles has been busted out of the tournament. Even though he has held a huge prescence and big chip stack, he is now gone. What happened is Dmitri pushed all his chips to the center preflop with Kh 10h. Marcello Delgrosso called with pocket 6's. The board showed 9d 6d 3h 9c 7d giving Marcello Delgrosso a full house and huge pile of chips. 74 players are left.

6:16 p.m. We are now down to 68 players. With blinds at their current levels, (10,000/20,000), expect a few more bustouts within the hour.

7:09 p.m. Eric Lynch doubled up to $828,000 after hitting 4 Jacks in a hand with Clint Brotherton. Erik Friberg is now chip leader with 4,300,000 followed by Jamie Gold with 4,200,000 and Jeffrey Lisandro having 3,400,000. Eric Molina has his stack up to 3,200,000. Earlier Molina received a warning after making the comment, "No way in hell!!" after a hand. Molina states he will use the term "Carebears" instead from now on.

9:08 p.m. Erik Friberg is now over $4.7 million in chips after he eliminated Noah Siegel. Eric Molina's stack increased when he took out Ken Jacobs. And Bryan Micon's pocket J's could not stand up to William Thorsson's hand after Thorsson paired his Q on the river. Micon leaves in 63rd place to pick up $123,699 for his efforts. Player count stands at 59.

9:45 p.m. The action is definitely hot in the Amazon room. Eliminations have been taking place so fast today, we can't even upload new information before another one takes place. Max Reele gone in 59th, Aki Ruuskanen went out in 58th, Stefan Mattsson in 57th and Sabyl Cohen the last woman in the Main Event gone in 56th. Each will receive $123,699 in winnings.

9:48 p.m. Make that 52 players left. Jamie Gold is up to 6,750,000 chips, Erik Friberg has 6,600,000, William Thorsson with 3,300,000, Michael Binger having 3,300,000 and Eric Molina with 2,900,000 round out the top 5.

10:35 p.m. Play has gone to level 24 with blinds at 12,000/24,000 with an 4000 ante. 45 players remain at the tables. Lots of tension is showing on the players. In a hand between Eric Molina and Jamie Gold, Eric threw a chip at Gold's chest after he made an all in move and Gold threw the chip back at him. Gold eventually folded on the hand, Molina said something else besides "Carebears" and Gold called a floorman, resulting in Molina getting a 10 min penalty. In another hand with Cuong Do and Kevin O'Donnell, Do became irritated with O'Donnell's frequent raising resulting in a big discussion over why he raises so much.

11:40 p.m. 45 players are where the tournament officials are going to stop tonight with play resuming on August 7th at noon. Here are the top 50 players with chip counts and earnings where applicable:
  1. Jamie Gold -- 7,330,000 chips
  2. Erik Friberg -- 5,905,000 chips
  3. William Thorsson -- 3,545,000 chips
  4. Rhett Butler -- 3,210,000 chips
  5. Kevin Aaronson -- 3,190,000 chips
  6. Ricki Nielsen -- 3,120,000 chips
  7. Siddharth Jain -- 3,090,000 chips
  8. Michael Binger -- 3,045,000 chips
  9. Jeffrey Lisandro -- 2,995,000 chips
  10. David Einhorn -- 2,840,000 chips
  11. James Routos -- 2,775,000 chips
  12. Richard Lee -- 2,350,000 chips
  13. Robert Betts -- 2,235,000 chips
  14. Andrew Schreibman -- 2,200,000 chips
  15. Dan Schmiech -- 2,155,000 chips
  16. Paul Wasicka -- 2,055,000 chips
  17. Lee Kort -- 2,005,000 chips
  18. John Magill -- 1,955,000 chips
  19. Eric Lynch -- 1,940,000 chips
  20. Rob Roseman -- 1,845,000 chips
  21. Mark Garner -- 1,810,000 chips
  22. Mitch Schock -- 1,785,000 chips
  23. Kevin O'Donnell -- 1,600,000 chips
  24. Prahlad Friedman -- 1,600,000 chips
  25. Paul Raeburn -- 1,385,000 chips
  26. Eric Molina -- 1,360,000 chips
  27. Doug Kim -- 1,335,000 chips
  28. Marc Friedmann -- 1,315,000 chips
  29. WeiKai Chang -- 1,295,000 chips
  30. Allen Cunningham -- 1,290,000 chips
  31. Brian Hansen -- 1,230,000 chips
  32. Mikael Thuritz -- 1,185,000 chips
  33. Rob Berryman -- 1,115,000 chips
  34. Cuong Do -- 1,115,000 chips
  35. Dustin Holmes -- 1,100,000 chips
  36. Fred Goldberg -- 1,080,000 chips
  37. Dan Nassif -- 1,035,000 chips
  38. Kyle Bowker -- 885,000 chips
  39. Sirous Jamshidi -- 845,000 chips
  40. John Lee -- 805,000 chips
  41. Richard Wyrick -- 800,000 chips
  42. Humberto Brenes -- 565,000 chips
  43. Luke Chung -- 560,000 chips
  44. Leif Force -- 510,000 chips
  45. Lowell Kim -- 350,000 chips
  46. Sean Johnson -- $164,932
  47. Raphael Doromal -- $164,932
  48. David Murray -- $164,932
  49. Cheng Yu -- $164,932
  50. Richard Gryko -- $164,932
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