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Event #57 Main Event Day 3

Day 3

Day 3 WSOP Notes: -- Players competed for four complete levels on Day 2B. Play ended after Level 9. When play resumes at Level 10, blinds will be 600-1,200 with a 200 ante. The average stack size is about 105,000. Play on Day Two ended at 10:40 pm. This is expected to be the last "short day" of the Main Event. Most remaining days are predicted to go at least five levels.

Here is the current status of all former WSOP Main Event champions who played in this year's championship:

1972: "Amarillo Slim" Preston - eliminated on Day 2
1975/1976: Doyle Brunson - eliminated on Day 1
1978: Bobby Baldwin - STILL ALIVE (142,200)
1983: Tom McEvoy - eliminated on Day 1
1986: Berry Johnston - eliminated on Day 2
1987/1988: Johnny Chan - eliminated on Day 2
1989: Phil Hellmuth - STILL ALIVE (142,900)
1993: Jim Bechtel - STILL ALIVE (55,000)
1995: Dan Harrington - STILL ALIVE (181,400)
1996: Huck Seed - eliminated on Day 1
1998: Scotty Nguyen - eliminated on Day 2
2000: Chris Ferguson - STILL ALIVE (76,000)
2001: Carlos "the Matador" Mortensen - STILL ALIVE (57,900)
2002: Robert Varkonyi - eliminated on Day 2
2003: Chris Moneymaker - eliminated on Day 1
2004: Greg "Fossilman" Raymer - STILL ALIVE (95,900)
2005: Joe Hachem - STILL ALIVE (138,900)
2006: Jamie Gold - eliminated in Day 1
2007: Jerry Yang - eliminated on Day 1
2008: Peter Eastgate - STILL ALIVE (110,700)

10:55 AM -- Play will begin at 12 noon for Day 3. So who else is still surviving at this point? From our spreadsheet list fresh from the WSOP, we see (brother of Joe Hachem) Tony Hachem 46,900, Kido Pham 47,000, Thom Werthmann 241,100, Jeff Lisandro 229,300, David Benyamine 228,800, Nasr El Nasr from Germany 211,100, Andy Black 215,700, Paul Wasicka 184,900 and WPT announcer and poker champion Mike Sexton with 169,000.

12:00 PM -- Professional player Captain Tom Franklin gave the directive to "Shuffle Up And Deal!", and with that Day 3 was started. Within seconds dealers were shouting, "All-in and a call!" so the action is serious today. Players will start at level 10 and continue for a total of five levels which will end at level 14. Come back from time to time, we'll keep you informed.

1:05 PM -- Erik Seidel moved in with pocket Q's and met pocket A's to lose the balance of his chips. Seidel is now on the sidelines. Roland De Wolfe is out of the Main Event thanks to the set of 6's made by his opponent. Brian Micon is no longer at the tables. His all-in with pocket J's were overcome by the paired Kings of the other player. Phil Ivey has already jumped up 30,000 to 376,000 in his stack.

1:29 PM -- Jason Young went out of the tournament swearing loudly as he got up from his chair. His A Q suited could not compare to the paired 4's of the other player, and needless to say he was very upset over it. Bill Gazes is gone too, but he was much more mature than Young was. Gazes pushed it all to the middle with pocket 7's verses the other player holding A K suited. Another King on the river spelled disaster for Gazes and sent him to the rail.

2:07 PM -- Andrew Gaw has rocketed from his starting 386,800 to over 585,000 chips. Player Franklin Grigsby hasn't been as lucky, as he's watched his stack fall from his starting amount of 424,000 to 190,000. Farzhad Rouhani just busted after his Broadway straight was not enough to fend off the flush hand of the other player.

2:51 PM -- Action is now on level 11 with blinds at $800/$1,600 with an ante of $200. Franklin Grigsby had bad luck continue to plague him as his stack endlessly bled away. With his last 40,000 pushed to the center, it was shipped to the winner as Grigsby's paired 8's was not enough to win against the paired Q's of the other player. Eric Lynch passed his stack to Hevad Khan after losing to the two pair Khan made (5's and 6's) by the river, leaving Eric on the rail.

3:41 PM -- Jennifer Harman vacated her chair soon after her Q 10 suited for a diamond flush draw failed to materialize. There are over 500 players gone from the field at this time.

WSOP Player of the Year This title will go to Jeff Lisandro as was announced over the microphone!

4:54 PM -- Bill Edler has been eliminated from the Main Event. After a flop of 7 J 10, a 3 popped up on the turn which was enough to have Bill go all-in with his pocket 3's. He was called by a player who had pocket 10's giving the other player a larger set. The river card was no help and Bill calmly shook hands with those at the table and left.

Also among the departed are Humberto Brenes, Dario Alioto and Kirill Gerasimov. Play has been moved up to level 12 with blinds of $1,000/$2,000 and ante of $300.

5:54 PM -- Latest to become railbound was Jean-Robert Bellande. He was on a 4 card flush draw with A K suited on the flop, but the other spade never came and Bellande was no more. 2004 Main Event champion Greg Raymer also is gone from the tables. He went all-in with pocket 10's and met with the nefarious pocket A's of an evil player. (The guy was not evil, we just like Raymer.) When he did get up, he signed his fossil card marker and gave it to the person who busted him. Allen Kessler lost his all-in with A K verses another player with pocket 5's. The board brought no love to Allen and he will have to come back next year for a shot at a Main Event bracelet. Oh, we forgot to tell you, Raymer this year has sunglasses with the eyes of a lizard for inquiring minds who want to know.

7:12 PM -- Raymond Rahme had his pocket 10's crushed by a player who called his under the gun all-in with pocket A's, only to see an Ace on the flop and two 6's by the river for a full house. Ouch! Danny Fuhs also became a railbird after his opponent flop a set of Jacks. And the field has shrunken down to where the Brasilia room is closed with the last table folded. Everything Main Event poker is now in the Amazon room.

8:25 PM -- Players have returned from a 90 minute dinner break. Head count is 1,071 and we have two more levels to go. Now the money will be reached at 648th place. Will we see it tonight? Maybe, but just check back with us and we'll let you know what happens.

9:02 PM -- Additional players who are no longer in the game include Pamela Brunson, Carlos Mortensen, Adam Schoenfeld and Ville Wahlbeck. The top 6 players with chip counts are:
  1. Gabe Walls -- 680,000
  2. Peter Kremenliev -- 610,000
  3. John Hammer -- 590,000
  4. Kyle Wilson -- 580,000
  5. James Akenhead -- 578,000
  6. Amir Lehavot -- 555,000
10:05 PM -- Top player John Juanda is no longer at the tables. His all-in under the gun move was a flush draw that was overshadowed by his opponents two pair (A's and 8's). Joe Awada also fell victim to the two pair (A's and 10's) of another player, but Joe will probably come back next year to try again. Last two pair victim for this post was Nam Le who made two pair himself with 9's and 8's, but lost to the bigger pair (K's and 9's) of the other player.

10:49 PM -- Players have been at level 13 and will soon move on to level 14 with blinds at $1,500/$3,000 and ante of $400. This will be the last level of the evening. We may not see the money as the player count is at 999. The top 6 players with chip counts are:
  1. Bertrand Grospellier -- 1,100,000
  2. Ludovic Lacay -- 890,000
  3. Saar Wilf -- 820,000
  4. Jordan Morgan -- 770,000
  5. Tony Cavezza -- 755,000
  6. Gabe Walls -- 725,000
Others still at the tables include Alexander Kostritsyn 632,000, Theo Tran 520,000, Phil Hellmuth 500,000, Mike Sexton 430,000, actor Lou Diamond Phillips 400,000, Jesper Hougaard 350,000, Burt Boutin 300,000, Phil Ivey 290,000 and Antonio Esfandiari 268,000.

11:46 PM -- Things are changing fast as Owen Crowe who shot up to over 1 million chips an hour ago, has lost over 50% of his stack through hands that went bad on him. Right now he has 410,000 chips. There are less than 880 players at the tables during this final level of play.

Players who were headed away from the tables for good: Jason Alexander, Thomas Keller, Lee Markholt, Shane Schleger and Amit Makhija.

1:24 AM -- Scott Newman had his pocket Q's overrun by the 9 high straight made by the other player. What was Newman's response? He takes a hand full of chips in each hand and slams them into the middle of the table before walking away. Next, Shawn Buchanan lost his stack to a player who made a set of Queens on the turn and ended up riding the rail.

One player we thought would make the cut, but didn't was 2009 WSOP Player of the Year John Lisandro. In a hand with John Myung, Lisandro produced pocket K's and ran into the flush made by Myung on the flop. There was nothing he could do but walk away. At least he took home some serious mementos of this WSOP! Make sure you join us tomorrow as we are less than 200 from the money. Should be very exciting play!

The total number of people moving on to Day 4 are 789. Here are the top 50:

Bertrand 'Elky' Grospellier
Chip Leader Day 3 Bertrand "Elky" Grospellier

  1. Bertrand Grospellier -- 1,380,500
  2. Ludovic Lacay -- 896,000
  3. Jason Brice -- 858,500
  4. Benjamin Jensen -- 835,500
  5. Kasper Cordes -- 796,000
  6. James Akenhead -- 794,000
  7. Billy Kopp -- 792,000
  8. Tyler Patterson -- 784,000
  9. Adam Bilzerian -- 767,000
  10. Christian Heich -- 735,500
  11. Jordan Morgan -- 705,000
  12. Marc Etienne McLaughlin -- 701,000
  13. Dieter Albrecht -- 695,500
  14. Saar Wilf -- 693,500
  15. Harry Kazazian -- 683,500
  16. Paulo Gomes -- 679,000
  17. Christian Tardea -- 678,500
  18. Matt Affleck -- 670,000
  19. Jamie Robbins -- 669,500
  20. Kenny Tran -- 666,500
  21. Gabe Walls -- 665,500
  22. Ed Perry -- 653,500
  23. Daryl Jace -- 652,500
  24. Kevin Schaffel -- 649,000
  25. Michael Casella -- 642,000
  26. Adam Latimer -- 639,000
  27. Brian Powell -- 634,000
  28. Joao Lima -- 628,500
  29. Mads Anderson -- 625,000
  30. Eli Adler -- 624,500
  31. Stan Jablonski -- 622,500
  32. Ben Lamb -- 622,000
  33. Bob Whalen -- 598,000
  34. Bernhard Perner -- 596,500
  35. Brennan Hanson -- 593,500
  36. Wesley Ismay -- 592,000
  37. Peter Kremenliev -- 587,500
  38. Loic Degrou -- 585,500
  39. Tommy Vedes -- 580,500
  40. Dominik Kulicki -- 573,000
  41. Steven Doebler -- 572,500
  42. Thai Tran -- 571,500
  43. Joe Luht -- 562,000
  44. Michael Jurgens -- 556,500
  45. Craig Boyd -- 553,500
  46. Ken Harbaugh -- 551,000
  47. Nasr El Nasr -- 545,000
  48. Blair Hinkle -- 542,000
  49. Charlie Elias -- 539,500
  50. John Hammer -- 539,000